I told a friend that I would be glad when April 26th came; so the collective 'we' could get through this 'voting season'. He said; "It's only the primaries, you still have the general in November!" I said; "...yes, you're right, but it is the next step with getting on with the whole thing." And, of course he replied: "Yeah, but it's all still going on until November!"
I don't know if he was despairing the fact that 'it's all still going on until November'; or if he just had to be right.
I don't necessarily talk much about politics, unless with like-minded individuals; somehow, a debate on platforms and candidates, quickly becomes a heated debate, which in turn can turn to yelling, bad feelings, etc. I ran into my neighbor this morning, on my morning dog walk, and she on her way to vote before work. She asked me who I was voting for - I hesistated. But she and I see eye to eye on a lot of things, so I told her. That is a rarity, but we were, once again in agreement.
Coming from a family of traditionally, Democrats, but with a few Republican members; you learn to avoid political talk. My grandfather was a Justice of the Peace, in the small town district that we lived in, so politics was discussed. Sometimes, political seasons could get a little contentious - if you know what I mean. Not because of my grandfather, that is, he was reasonable and considered honorable amongst his peers and his family. He did like the occasional political discussion though. The ones who might be deemed contentious, were the ones who thought that, if you don't vote for the same guy they had voted for, there was something intrinsically wrong with your character. You don't know what you're doing! How can you think that way?!
Well, let's just throw the Bill of Rights out the window, shall we?
My grandfather firmly believed in the American system; I think he'd crack a smile at my sarcasm. When I came of age, I was glad that because I was an American, I had the right to agree with whomever I chose, not an over zealous family member. I have to say, that even though my grandfather and I sometimes disagreed, he respected my choice.
I have to say, that political talk may have been one of the reasons that my journey has been one of the individual, as opposed to following a 'herd'. I bristle when someone says things like : "Aren't you voting the same as your husband?" Grrrrrr! That's one of those statements that makes me spit out something like: "Hello! It's the 21st Century! Are you a time traveller? Aren't you aware of where you are?"
I know, I'm a shit.
All things considered, I am a proponent of the vote. Whether you agree with me or not. Look around the world - yes, EVEN in this 21st Century - and you'll still find repression, fixed ballots, denial of rights. So go, vote; make your choice. Do It.
Unless you are a time traveller, you'll have to be informed and perhaps repatriated, first.