I was reading the blog "Once Upon a Sketch" - today's topic: U.K. passes 'Orphan Act' bill. Now, for those of you who create, and happen to post your creations on the 'Net - especially artists and photographers - the Orphan Act allows anyone who wants to, to swipe your creation and use it as his/her own. Even if you have marked it with YOUR copyright. A similar Orphan Act was bandied about here in the U.S. for a few years, but outrage from constituents of the creative community, pretty much put a stop to the whole thing.
Now that the U.K. has gone down the 'orphan path'; will other countries follow suit? You may be seeing a lot less art and pics - and what you do see will have a big ass watermark over it, obscuring the piece's original intent and merit.
Read the article from The Register in the U.K.:
BTW, the only way we can protect our selves is by registering each and every piece with the government agency. Which, if you have a substancial body of work, is gonna cost a number of $$$$$$.
This all may seem like "a mountain out of a molehill" to the layman; but if this 'trend' continues, it may well effect many facets of your day to day life. Especially since we all seem to be 'tuned in and turned on'.
One correction - I wrote "Even if you have marked it with YOUR copyright." - that isn't correct. Entirely, that is. Your creation can be swiped if the 'swiper' searched for the owner of a piece; and didn't find the owner. Which can easily happen. Until the real owner finds out and takes legal steps. I understand that if a 'swiper' really wants a piece, that protections like metatags and watermarks can be removed. Soooo... I don't think that I am off base, when I say that your stuff is now up for grabs. We need to make sure the US doesn't fall into this mindset. Just read the Register article and, the others online, you'll get the picture... if someone else doesn't have it first!
Posted by: Maxwell Talks! | 05/01/2013 at 03:43 PM